Electricity spot price now
PRICE Yesterday | |
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17.84 centHIGHEST PRICE, Yesterday -
9.75 centAVERAGE PRICE, Yesterday -
2.00 centLOWEST PRICE, Yesterday
PRICE Today | |
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23 - 00 |
23.63 centHIGHEST PRICE, Today -
14.89 centAVERAGE PRICE, Today -
7.70 centLOWEST PRICE, Today
The spot prices for tomorrow will be published after 3pm today.
{{product.calculatedPrices.seasonalFee_27}} cnt/kWh
{{product.calculatedPrices.seasonalFee_73}} cnt/kWh
{{product.calculatedPrices.dayFee}} cnt/kWh
{{product.calculatedPrices.nightFee}} cnt/kWh
Download the Herrfors app and reduce your electricity bill
With the Herrfors app you can save money without having to keep track of the electricity price variations yourself.
• Schedule the charging of your devices to be done when the electricity is cheapest.
•Automate the charging of your electric car to the cheapest hours of the day.
• Utilize the tips we provide based on your consumption habits to optimize energy consumption at home
• Track your electricity consumption and check your invoices.
Learn more about the app and its smart features.

Herrfors Spot Electricity – price following market movements
If you choose Herrfors Spot Electricity, your electricity price will be variable and follow fluctuations in the electricity market. The price on the stock exchange can vary greatly throughout the year, even within the hours of the day. If you have the opportunity to influence your electricity consumption, you can schedule your most energy-intensive consumption to the cheapest hours of the day and thus affect the total amount on your electricity bill. For those who buy electricity at a fixed price, the price remains the same for all hours of the day.
What affects the price of the stock exchange?
Electricity is a product traded on the wholesale market, which means that the price of electricity is determined by supply and demand. The price can be influenced by a variety of factors such as weather conditions, water situation, disruptions in electricity production or transmission, and relevant events in world politics.
The electricity price is based on the Nordic electricity exchange's (Nord Pool) hourly spot price for Finland's price area, which varies hour by hour. VAT and margin are added to this price, which is then multiplied by the actual energy consumption during the corresponding hour. On your invoice, you will see your own monthly average price (weighted average price) and the amount of consumed energy. The electricity bill provides specific information about the energy price, the margin, and the basic fee of the contract. Herrfors also takes into account negative market prices in billing, even if they are not specified separately on the invoice.
What does weighted average price mean?
Spot prices and your electricity consumption can vary significantly between different hours. Due to this, a consumption-weighted average price is used as the billing price for the Spot product.
The weighted average price is calculated as follows: When the electricity consumption for one hour is multiplied by the Spot price for the same hour in Finland's price area, the actual cost for one hour is obtained. When these costs for all the hours in a month are summed up and divided by the total electricity consumption for the month, the monthly consumption-weighted average price is obtained. The weighted average price is used as the billing price, and you can check it on your invoice. The more you shift your electricity consumption to the hours with lower Spot prices, the lower your billing price will be.
What happens if I regret choosing Spot Electricity?
No problem! You can switch to another of our electricity products if you wish. The new price will take effect no later than 15 days after we have processed your change request.
How is the stock exchange produced?
Electricity is a mix of renewable and fossil energy sources as well as nuclear power. You can find more information about the origin of the electricity here.
Sign a cost-effective Herrfors Spot Electricity contract with us
Sign a cost-effective Herrfors Spot Electricity contract with us It's easy to sign a spot electricity contract based on the stock exchange electricity price with us. You can sign an electricity contract at any time of the day on our website or contact our electricity sales department on weekdays from 10 am to 3 pm.